These posts are written with you and your loved ones in mind. Practical tips, home care education, and important updates to keep you informed.

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The Benefits of Social Wellness in the Elderly

As our loved ones grow older, we want to make sure that they are healthy and safe. But along with their physical wellness and safety, their social wellness is just as important to their wellbeing. Having a network of family and friends to turn to in times of crisis and celebration is very important to their quality of life.

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National Healthcare Decision Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) was founded in in 2008 and this year is on April 16. NHDD helps raise awareness of the importance of advance care planning. It encourages people to take charge of planning what their healthcare wishes are and encourages them to share these with their families and healthcare providers. Making these key decisions in advance, as much as possible, reduces some of the stress on loved ones and their families when challenging healthcare issues arise.

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Eating Disorders In The Elderly

We often think of eating disorders only affecting younger people. Because of this misconception, eating disorders in the elderly are often missed or misdiagnosed. Stress is the most common cause of an eating disorder. Our elderly loved ones may be dealing with declining health, loss of a spouse or friends, feelings of isolation, or other situations that make them feel they have lost control. Refusing food or altering their eating habits can be a way of trying to regain some sense of control in their life.

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Home Health Care vs In-Home Care: What’s the Difference?

Many elderly people would like to continue living independently in their own homes. Plus, with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, more people are deciding to stay in their own homes as long as possible. According to, COVID-19 has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 long-term care facility residents and staff as of the last week in November 2020.

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Helpful Tech to Keep Seniors Safe and Connected at Home

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, all baby boomers will be older than 65 by the year 2030. This means for the first time in U.S. history, older individuals will outnumber children. Many of them will also prefer to be able to stay and age in their homes. With that comes the worry their adult children will have with wondering if their loved one will be safe and secure at home.

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Respiratory Care

It’s important to shed light on the respiratory illnesses that can affect seniors and how to reduce the damaging effects of such devastating diseases. Here are some of the most prevalent respiratory illnesses:

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What is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that, as it progresses, eventually affects a person’s capacity to remember and think. Ultimately, it deprives a person of the ability to live independently. Even though Alzheimer’s seems to be a common disease among our aging population, it is not a normal part of getting older.

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Are you part of the Sandwich Generation?

Caregivers that are responsible for both their children and aging relatives are referred to as the Sandwich Generation. Today, as young adults find it’s economically harder to start on their own and as more elderly adults choose to stay in their own homes, these caregivers can find themselves emotionally and financially supporting both generations.

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Tips for Effective Communication with Seniors

As our family members age and require extra care and support, this can result in changes in a family’s dynamics. There are changes in the roles, responsibilities, and feelings of family members which may lead to tension and fighting. At this time effective communication becomes very important in our relationships with those we are caring for…

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The Benefits of Social Wellness in the Elderly

As our loved ones grow older, we want to make sure that they are healthy and safe. But along with their physical wellness and safety, their social wellness is just as important to their wellbeing. Having a network of family and friends to turn to in times of crisis and celebration is very important to their quality of life…

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The Benefits of Seniors Owning a Pet

There are many ways a senior can improve their quality of life. Participating in activities and hobbies that they enjoy. Exercising to keep their bodies in shape and stay mentally sharp. Forming social contacts to combat the loneliness that they may be experiencing. Another option is becoming a pet owner. Pets offer companionship and caring for a pet can help a senior feel needed…

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Positive Aspects of Aging

As our loved ones age, we tend to focus our time and energy on what is wrong or could go wrong. We worry about their physical and mental health, safety, and finances. We might have to decide if they can live at home on their own and if there is a need for extra care. Some of us then have to make the difficult decision of moving our loved ones to a nursing home….

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Apply for Handicapped Parking

As our loved ones age, they may find that their world shrinks, especially if they have trouble getting around. This can lead them to socially isolate themselves and lose interest in life. So it’s important to find ways for them to stay mobile and independent.

One way is to obtain a handicapped parking permit…

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Recognizing the Family Caregiver

It is common for family or close friends to become caregivers for their loved ones as they age. These unpaid caregivers play a necessary role in their loved ones’ ability to stay in their own homes. They help in daily activities such as bathing, dressing, shopping, paying bills, or transportation. A caregiver also may have to help manage a chronic disease or disability…

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Choosing a Gift for Elderly Loved Ones

No matter if it’s a holiday, birthday, or just because, many of us get joy from giving the perfect gift to those we love. But, coming up with gift ideas for elderly family members or friends can be a struggle for many people. Most seniors have downsized and don’t have the room for or want more things. Here are some helpful tips….

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