Positive Aspects of Aging

As our loved ones age, we tend to focus our time and energy on what is wrong or could go wrong. We worry about their physical and mental health, safety, and finances. We might have to decide if they can live at home on their own and if there is a need for extra care. Some of us then have to make the difficult decision of moving our loved ones to a nursing home.

We can even start to think about these issues happening to us and may begin to dread the thought of ourselves getting older.

With all the in mind, September was designated as Healthy Aging Month more than 20 years ago. The focus is on the positive aspects of aging. As we age, the focus is generally on what to do to keep us healthy and safe:

  • Physical and Mental Health

  • Healthy Diet

  • Exercise

  • Social Skills

  • Financial Situation

  • Home Safety

These are all good things to be aware of and make any needed changes. But there are positive aspects of aging that we might not think of:

Our priorities change to focus on the parts of our life that are the most important. We may have worried about what others thought of us when we were younger. We probably compared our possessions, our jobs, and where we were at in our life to other people. That may have led to feelings of jealousy and discontentment in our daily lives. As we age, our priorities can change to align with what is most important, such as our relationships and purpose in life.

We gain more confidence through the knowledge we acquired from the experiences of our lives. This confidence can help us make decisions, deal with challenges, make social connections, and overcome obstacles. This confidence can help us face whatever life brings our way.

We acquire wisdom about life, relationships, how to handle hardships, and much more through our life experiences. This wisdom helps us assess the situation and come to the best decision on the course of action.

We may become grandparents and get to savor the wonder and joy that children can bring, all without the responsibilities we had when raising our families.

We get to grow old. The unfortunate truth is that not everyone gets to grow old. When we start feeling low about growing older, we must remember that every day is a gift. It’s important to make the most of the time we have.

We at By Your Side are here to help you or your loved one safely and happily enjoy the positive aspects of growing older. Contact us to see how we can be of assistance.


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