Are you part of the Sandwich Generation?

Caregivers that are responsible for both their children and aging relatives are referred to as the Sandwich Generation. Today, as young adults find it’s economically harder to start on their own and as more elderly adults choose to stay in their own homes, these caregivers can find themselves emotionally and financially supporting both generations.

With these added responsibilities, a caregiver can experience increased stress in their life, such as:

  • Burnout from having to care for everyone at once.

  • Having less time to focus on their work and relationships, and the negative impact from that.

  • Finding it difficult to schedule time for themselves and taking much needed time to recharge.

If you are part of the Sandwich Generation and you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, here are some tips that can help reduce the stresses of caring for an elderly loved one:

  • Examine if having your elderly loved one move into your home will make caring for them less stressful and help reduce expenses.

  • Research medical alert systems that support monitoring 24 hours a day. For information on selecting a medical alert system check out this article from AARP.

  • Check into in-home senior care. Even a few hours of support a day can be of help in reducing caregivers’ stress.

  • Research identity theft protection services that can safeguard your loved one from having their identity stolen or being scammed. For information on selecting an identity theft protection service, check out this article from

  • Identify any physical limitations your loved one has and search for solutions, such as hearing aids, eyeglasses, and a cane or walker, that can help keep them safe.

  • Make sure there is open communication between all generations, at all times, so any issues can be dealt with and resolved quickly.

Remember that caring for yourself is very important at this time but can be easily neglected when your free time is limited. Consider scheduling time each week for yourself even if it is only an hour or two. Make sure that you eat healthy, set aside time to do the things you enjoy, get plenty of sleep, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

At By Your Side Home Care, we understand that providing for your children while your parents need you too can be stressful. If you need help, please reach out to us to discuss what is best for your elderly loved ones. We will be happy to sit down with you to determine what they need to be healthy and happy.


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